Making a conscious effort to pivot towards a career in tech in early 2017, I’ve expanded my technical skillset using a combination of classes at Tech Talent South, online courses, other independent studies, and above all, independently working on my own projects.
Web Development
I work with HTML5/CSS3 and Bootstrap to create applications with responsive web design. Most of the work I do involves JavaScript, but I’m also proficient with Ruby and Ruby on Rails, as well as essential web development skills (version control, data structures, working with APIs, etc.)
I am currently focusing most of my attention on creating projects with Node and React. At the moment, I am working to add MongoDB to projects that require backend.
Other Skills
From working at KRTU 91.7 San Antonio, I learned the dynamics of working with teams, interacting with donors, and broadcasting. I have experience in writing and basic print design from self-publishing zines on and off over the past ten years, and I am also able to work with the latest edition of Adobe Photoshop Elements.
Education and Experience
Tech Talent South
Took two courses: Full-Time Code Immersion, and JavaScript Application Development. In Code Immersion, I refined my skills in HTML/CSS, Ruby, and Rails, learned the basics of Test Driven Development, and worked with building, deploying, and incorporating APIs and AJAX into web applications. In JavaScript Application Development, I worked with JavaScript and jQuery, Node.js, and React to develop web apps.
Trinity University
Graduated Magna Cum Laude. I received a B.A. in English with a minor in Communication. In Communication, I studied media audiences in a variety of courses (especially how media consumers relate and interact with media products), as well as how technology is affecting media, and vice versa.
KRTU 91.7
At KRTU 91.7, I coordinated with other on-air hosts as well as with record promoters to ensure the smooth operation of the late-night format. I worked first as Student Production Manager, and later Student Music Director. In both positions, I worked with others to start and complete projects.
Projects and Applications
Microwave Converter
This web application — using React.js — allows you to find the proper length of time to heat microwavable meals when the directions on the package call for a microwave with a different wattage than your own. Microwave Converter Github Link
Live LinkBook Cataloger
A book cataloger using React that uses the Google Books API to auto-fill entries. Uses Firebase as the backend. Currently implementing authentication, and re-working to use MongoDB. Book Cataloger Github link
Live LinkRock, Paper, Scissors
A Rock, Paper, Scissors game built using React and Material Design Bootstrap for React. Rock, Paper, Scissors Github link
Live LinkContact List
This React app uses React Router to imitate the contacts page found on mobile devices. Currently implementing backend using MongoDB. Contact List Github link
Live Link